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Water is Key to Our Existence.
At Nalco Water, we empower operations around the world to protect this most vital resource. We partner with companies across a wide range of industries, working side by side to develop solutions for their specific water needs and business goals.
Featured Technologies

3D TRASAR™ Technology for Cooling Water
3D TRASAR Technology is evolving to meet ever more challenging customer needs. The innovation of 3D TRASAR Technology is already soundly embraced worldwide. Over 25,000 systems are currently in use and over 10,000 water systems are monitored 24/7/365 by Nalco Water experts, supported by 5,000 on-site experts. Through Nalco Water’s latest advancements in innovation, the next generation of 3D TRASAR Cooling Water Technology gives you the information and operational assistance you need to control your cooling water systems and protect your assets. As part of a total water management solution, the next generation of 3D TRASAR Cooling Water Technology results in water and energy savings and provides our customers peace of mind.

3D TRASAR™ Technology for Boilers
Since changing conditions impact different parts of the boiler system...often very quickly...3D TRASAR Boiler Technology is your most effective defense. Nalco will do a complete audit of your boiler systems in order to understand the gaps and make recommendations specific to your operational goals.

3D TRASAR™ Technology for DAF
3D TRASAR™ Technology for Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is the next generation of DAF performance management. Its advanced control algorithms determine the appropriate chemical dosage to your system in real time. It continuously detects critical systems changes such as Total Suspended Solids (TSS), pH and process flow and provides remote monitoring and alarming of your DAF to allow you to meet stringent discharge limits, reduce surcharges, and lower your total cost of operation.

OMNI™ – Heat Exchanger Performance Monitoring
Nalco Water knows that the value of your heat exchanger is a combination of production, efficiency, and life cycle. We offer comprehensive programs tailored to your plant’s operating conditions. Nalco Water helps you to identify production problems before they become outages, assess asset life span, and keep your operations efficient.
Featured Programs

Dust Control
At Nalco Water, we understand that dust can create serious health and environmental issues for your mining operation. Without the proper dust control solution, challenges with dust can strain your bottom-line results. Nalco Water offers a comprehensive line of dust suppression additives including foam dust control, surface tension reducers, binders, tackifiers, and humectants.

Corrosion and Scale Control for Cooling Water
Nalco Water's corrosion and scale inhibitors feature traced chemistries designed for use with 3D TRASAR™ control systems. 3D TRASAR products are part of an innovative water treatment program that uses proven technology to prevent operational problems. 3D TRASAR compensates for both routine and special causes of system variation. 3D TRASAR programs provide a return on your investment through their unique control and diagnostic capabilities. With 3D TRASAR technology control, your system is monitored and feed rates are controlled for optimal, cost-effective performance.

Cooling Water Bio Control
Cooling towers are constantly exposed to environmental contaminants and bacteria. This requires a rapid response, accurate detection and a tailored program to control biological growth. Nalco Water offers a complete line of oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides, algaecides and biodispersants that are effective in a variety of cooling water applications, including open recirculating cooling towers, once-through cooling systems, closed loop cooling systems, air washers, cooling ponds, thermal energy storage tanks and pasteurizers.
Featured Transportation Solution

Paint Detackification Innovation
During the last decade, the Automotive industry has increasingly demonstrated a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. Many programs and procedures have been put in place to reduce the consumption of natural resources and associated emissions and waste. Today, more than ever, the challenges of the global economic environment demand that the industry must work even harder to meet sustainability targets and financial goals.
Every automotive plant has environmental management practices in place which aim to reduce freshwater use and minimize waste production. Effective paint detackification is critical to clean booth operations, increased return water and minimized sludge haul-off. Optimized paint sludge solids increase recycled clean booth return water which reduces total water consumption. Higher paint solids also result in less waste volume and weight, reducing waste contribution to the environment and the total cost of waste management.
Keeping the total cost of operations and performance at the forefront of sludge management, Nalco Water paint detackification products and programs have been successfully implemented in over 35 North American automotive plants.
Featured Solutions

Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment demands as much attention, and the need for integrated solutions, as other processes within your operation. There are not many other processes that have so much variability in the input, yet a consistent, high quality output is required. Nalco offers a number of wastewater tools to efficiently analyze, evaluate, and treat your entire wastewater operation from primary clarification to discharge.

Water Pretreatment
Nalco's Water Pretreatment Solutions team designs, builds and services DI and RO systems, provides maintenance and exchange services, performs membrane autopsies, field cleanings and provides membrane optimization services.
World-class engineers and scientists are passionate about solving problems: the vision and dedication come naturally. Our team's qualifications are among the best in the industry, so great service is just part of the difference you get when you're working with Nalco Water's Membrane Solutions Group.
Featured Video
Clean Water for Future Generations
Watch as John Holden of the nationally syndicated Discovery Channel series "Earth" visits Naperville, Illinois to investigate how Nalco Water is helping companies save water for our planet.